Etsy - shop owner
● Encouraged student creativity with motivation, and positive
feedback and constructive criticism.
● Planned, prepared and delivered instructional activities related
to various art mediums.


Art teaching assistant

University of Central Lancashire
BA(Hons) English for International Corporate Communication (Major in Marketing)

Community College of City University
Associate of Arts in Bilingual Communication Studies – Korean and English

Community College of City University
Diploma in General Studies (Full Time)

Emma Tong"

OCAD University | 

Bachelor of Arts OCAD University​​

OCAD University | 

Bachelor of Arts OCAD University​​

Anne Chen"

As a student currently studying Illustration at OCAD University I find myself focusing on the results I can produce rather than appreciating the process of making art. Children have such a pure view of their own art, able to explore their own ideas without fear or self-criticism and genuinely enjoying the ability to create. I’d like for students to keep this mindset while they grow as artists. I want them to be able to express themselves and know with practice, they can create anything their imagination can think of.

從事設計藝術相關工作十幾年,這專業不僅僅是一份事業,也是我生活的一大部分. 我一直希望我的學生們能夠和我一樣體會到其中所帶來的快樂. 在過去的時間裡,我不斷的思考教學理念,經驗裡告訴我,當我們擁有自信的時候,才能夠體會到其中的樂趣. 在阿波羅藝術學校,我們希望所有的學生們,在學習許多新的技能的同時,也能夠找到屬於他們特殊的個人風格,並且投入及享受其中.

OCAD University | 

Environmental Design | Bachelor 

  • 安省藝術大學 | 環境設計

RCC Institute Of Technology |

Interior Design | Bachelor 

  • 加拿大约克維爾大学 | 室內設計

Taiwan Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School |

Digital Media Design | diploma

  • 台灣 | 復興商工美工科 | 數位媒體設計系​​​

Art teaching assistant

Art teaching assistant

Has been doing art and design for over 15 years. Drawing and crafting are my professional career, happiness, and life. I was thinking about how I can make everyone else feel what I feel. In the past 15 years, I have kept updating my teaching concept. Now, I finally realize that people can enjoy this inconceivable art only when they have confidence. As the president of Apollo School, we wish we could help all our students learn a lot of techniques, but most importantly, we want to make them enjoy the things they do and find out their unique personal style. Cheer!

QinYan Tian"

Teaching Background:

  • Canada | Magic Pen Art Studio | Art Teacher
  • Canada | Pure Degree Mandarin School | Art and Craft Teacher
  • Taiwan | One-on-one tutoring 

Other Background:

  • Canada | Graphix Sign Inc. | Main Graphic Designer
  • ​Taiwan | ACE-Repairs Inc. | Interior Designer
  • ​Taiwan | 藝瑭設計工程有限公司 | Interior Designer
  • Canada | Sixth Ave. Jewelry | Photographer

President of Studio

Cyc Chen" Cynthia