Online Class Program (Lecture by Cyc Chen)

No Available NOW

(Seasonal) Private Outdoor Class Program (Lecture by Cyc Chen)

$180 and up/for each class (75mins) 



  • Class Rate 1:6 (max)-must be your social circle group.
  • No class during Holiday and Weather Alert( will notice with an email.)
  • If students miss a class, there is no make-up class.
  • There is no refund for any reason to stop the class. (Only when our teacher or school cannot offer the course)
  • If students last for the class, we only snooze for (max.) 5 minutes.
  • Only offer in June to September.
  • The rate of a class is 1 on 8.
  • No class during Holiday ( will notice on our school page.)
  • If students miss a class, there is a make-up class every Monday at 4:00 pm. (lecture by Tracy Wang)
  • If students need to take a vacation over two weeks, they might need to re-schedule class time.
  • There is no refund for any reason to stop the class. (Only when our teacher or school cannot offer the course)
  • ​Need Internet

In-Class Program (Lecture by Cyc Chen)

$19.5 and up /Class (each class is 60mins) - mini payment ( 4 classes a term)

First-class is only $15 (try-out fee.) 試聽課 酌收$15

  • The rate of a class is 1:5 or 2:8 
  • No class during Holiday and Weather Alert( will notice on our school page.)
  • If students miss a class, sign-up for a make-up class in 90 days.
  • If students' vacation is over two weeks, they might need to re-schedule class time.
  • We will keep all your amount of class balance for six months. 
  • There is no refund for any reason to stop the class. (Only when our teacher or school cannot offer the course)
  • If students last for the class, we only snooze for (max.) 5 minutes.
  • Keep students at home when they are sick.

In-Class DROP-IN Program (Lecture by Cyc Chen)

$12/ hour (+ addition fee) - pay by each time

  • 8 seats for offer.
  • No class during Holiday and Weather Alert( will notice on our school page.)
  • There is no refund for any reason to stop the class. (Only when our teacher or school cannot offer the course)
  • Keep students at home when they are sick.