寓教於樂 (Edutainment/Playful learning)
阿波羅藝術學校(Apollo School of Art)提倡師生共學共樂的學習模式,引導學生們發展出自 我的表現風格,因應學生個別差異,重視因材施教,在自由愉快的學習氛圍投入其中。在 學習的過程裡,更希望學生們能夠享受以及投入而從中得到快樂,並期許學子們在鍛鍊才 藝技能中,達到情感上的抒發和興趣的培養,達到永續的影響。
Apollo School of Art encourages playful learning among students and staff. We want our students to explore their creative and unique ideas freely in a pleasant environment. Our teaching staff provides one-on-one mentorship with students to develop their passion for art through self-expression. We wish for our students to cultivate their artistry with dedication, devotion, and excitement.