
  • Max. 6 seats for all time.
  • 僅提供 6 個座位
  • No guaranteed spots each time. (Text before you come. 647-937-4858 )
  • 不保證課堂都有空位, 來之前先簡訊確認)
  • Disinfect all utensils and seats for each class.
  • 課後消毒課堂用具及座位
  • Mask-free for students.

  • No class during Holiday and Weather Alert( will notice on our school page.)
  • 所有國定假日及氣候警報放假 (會及時公布於學校網頁)
  • There is no refund for any reason to stop the class. (Only when our teacher or school cannot offer the course)
  • 課堂費用不因任何原因退費 (除非學校無法再提供因應類型的課程)
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • 身體不適的學生請居家休養


DROP-IN Program
(Lecture by Cyc Chen)

$15 / per hour ( pay by each time) 

Appointment ONLY msg. @ 647-937-4858

Addition fee: 

Free - If students bring their tools and supplies.

+$12 Watercolour

11x15 inch Watercolour paper (you can bring it home), brushes, paint colours, water can, and tray.

+$18 Oil / Acrylic Painting 
9x12 inch Canvas
(you can bring it home), brushes, paint colours, water can, and tray.

+$8 Dry Media / Sketch, Pencil Crayon, Pastal  
11x17 inch Dry Media Paper 
(you can bring it home), Dry Media.

 Class Policy Form Here | CLICK